Let's Talk.
Have a question that isn’t on the FAQ?
Contact Us!
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 610, Montezuma, IA 50171
Office Location: 830 S Front St, Montezuma, IA 50171
F: 641-623-2368
Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday: 8am-5pm
Friday : 8am-4pm
Closed Saturday & Sunday
Holiday Pick Up Hours:
Memorial day
Holiday lake will be picked up normal schedule
Lake Ponderosa will be picked up Tuesday, May 28th
July 4th
All routes will be picked up a day early on Wednesday, July 3rd
Labor Day
Holiday lake will be picked up normal schedule
Lake Ponderosa will be picked up on Tuesday, September 3rd
All routes will be picked up a day early on Wednesday, November 27th
Wednesday routes will be picked up a day late on December 26th & January 2nd
NOTE: Routes will be doubled up on these days, so residents may not be picked up at their normal time of day