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Domestic Waste Bin

Login to Pay

Login or create your account by clicking the “enter here” button above.

Please note:  Making a payment for past due accounts does not insure same or next day pick up.  If your account is past due and you are not sure your payment will be posted prior to your pick-up day, please contact our office to make other payment arrangements.

Image by Lacey Williams


Residential customers are billed on a quarterly basis.You will be mailed or emailed a bill at the end of a calender quarter payment is expected by the 20th of the month. We accept payment by check, cash (of exact amount), MasterCard, VISA, Discover or American Express.  You may pay your bill online by clicking here.


  • A $30.00 fee will be charged if a check or bank draft is returned by the bank for any reason.


Services may be suspended if payment is not received by the first pick-up day of the new quarter.  An automated reminder call will be made for past due accounts prior to suspension.  Please make sure your phone number is up-to-date at our office. 

  • Credit is not given for suspended service.

  • A 2% late fee is applied to past due accounts.

  • An off-route fee applies if service is requested prior to your next pick-up day for suspended accounts.

  • Accounts that reach 90 days past due may be turned over to a collection service.  Thereafter the following applies:

  • In addition to the past due balance, a re-start fee and/or re-delivery fee of a dumpster must be paid to resume service.


Cancellation must be done in advance and can be done by the account holder(s) only.

  • Refunds are issued on an individual basis.

  • Container(s) assigned to you will be scheduled for pick up at time of cancellation.

  • You will be responsible for the replacement cost of any container assigned to you if it becomes lost, stolen or damaged beyond repair.


Changes to your account may be done by either the account holder or approved contact on the account.

Recycling Bio Bin


You will need your account number and access code to create your online account.  Your access code is located on your statement or invoice.  When entering your account number, omit the second dash and last number.  Thereafter, you will only need your Login ID and password to gain access to your account.  


**If you transfer service, you will need to create a new Login.  A new account number will be assigned to you and will be shown on your next statement/invoice along with an access code to create the new Login.** 

Garbage Bin
Image by Possessed Photography


Once an account has been closed, you will no longer be able to access that account online.


You may sign up for recurring payments by selecting “options” and “start automatic pay” then follow the on screen instructions.  


Please note: You will need to pay your current bill by the due date shown on your statement/invoice.  Automatic payments will not be registered to start until your next billing cycle.  You may, however, contact our office and we will place your current bill on automatic payment. 


Payments are processed on the 10th of the month.


You may also change how you receive your statement/invoice by selecting “options”, then “billing options”.


Allow 2 business days for your payment to be applied if making payments Monday-Thursday.  Payments made after  12:00 p.m. Friday will be posted to your account the following Wednesday or Thursday.

Image by Jon Moore

Do you have a question that is not answered? Contact Us with your question, or call 641-623-5691.

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